Pappmodell-Animation, gedreht von 1988 bis 1990 in Madrid, 2009 neu editiert.
Super 8 Film/DV, 4min, 1988/2009
Madrid - Farbe, Licht, Karton-Figuren und Collagen interpretieren die Stadt im analogen 3D-Modell.
Madrid - la ciudad interpretada por color, luz, figuras de cartón y collages en un modelo análogo de tres dimensiones.
Premiere in dem Filmprogramm "Rot: Bedeutung & Wirkung", kuratiert von Deborah Phillips am 9. Feb. 2009 in der Directors Lounge, Berlin - Programm-PDF
"In Madrid (2009) by Jakob Kirchheim, the city is re-imagined with the use of mixed-media, collage and film. Shot with Super 8 and set to a wild, rumbling city drum beat, the film could easily have been included in an abstract expressionist exhibit. It has more in common with action painters like de Kooning, Kline and Motherwell than with most Super 8 filmmakers. Here red is a central part of the vibrancy of city life. Red, along with its primary siblings yellow and blue, mix and mingle with the figures that dot the imaginary landscape of the film creating a chaotic, textural canvas."
Sabrina Small
Pappmodell-Animation, 1988 bis 1990 in Madrid.
Super 8 Film, 3:30min
Eine 2-minütige Fassung wurde 1996 in Telemadrid gesendet.